Did somebody say school spirit(s)? 👻
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
school spirits
Support NMS STUDENT COUNCIL Boo Bag fundraiser!! purchase a Boo Bag for yourself or for a Friend! Bags will be sold until Oct 27th! In the morning and at lunch! Bags will be delivered on OCT 31st!! See Mrs. Swyden to order!! $3.00 each!!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Boo Bag Reminder
A Big thank you to Deputy Goucher with The Grady County Sheriffs Office for Presenting a Red Ribbon Message to our High School Students!!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Red Ribbon Week Presentation
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week
Ninnekah High School Blood Drive Wednesday, November 1, 2023 10:30am - 2:30pm Contact Mrs. Drennan in the high school to schedule a time
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
blood drive
Mrs.Cindy's Bus Will be running later than usual this morning. NPS is sorry for any inconveniences!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
school bus
CHECK IT OUT! Over the summer our maintenance staff worked hard on getting the weight room and alt. ed room updated & ready for students and athletes to utilize. We updated the weight room with state of the art equipment. We updated the alt. ed room with new walls, desks, smart boards and an updated bathroom for students to use!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
weight room
weight room
weight room
weight room
alt ed room
alt ed room
Ninnekah Art Classes decorated a spooky lamppost in downtown Chickasha for Halloween!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah art class lamppost
Our littlest Owls will be singing tonight, Mon Oct 23, at the Elementary Basketball games! Pre-K Owls will sing at halftime of the 5th/6th Girls, and then Kindergarten Owls will sing between the 5th/6th Girls and Boys games. Games start at 4:30PM
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Red Ribbon Week is this week! (October 23 - October 27) Be kind to your mind - Live drug free!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Be Kind to Your Mind - Live Drug Free
Red Ribbon Week Dress Up Days
Ninnekah cafeteria was granted a $5000 USDA grant for beef in a Farm to Table Grant programs . We are proud to offer fresh, farm raised beef in our lunches!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Check out Mrs. Normans art students! Students practiced their sculpting skills using silverware, toothpicks and bars of soap! Mrs. Normans art students loved this activity and can't wait to sculpt with clay!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Mrs. Normans art class soap sculptures
Mrs. Normans art class soap sculptures
Mrs. Normans art class soap sculptures
Mrs. Normans art class soap sculptures
Mrs. Normans art class soap sculptures
SAVE THE DATE! Meet the Owls & Basketball Alumni Game - Nov. 4! Alumni Game Shirts can be purchased at https://shopwingts.com/product/ninnekah-basketball-alumni/!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
meet the owls - alumni game
Owl Community Our internet has been down for a couple of hours our internet provider went completely down and our phones work off of our internet. We are sorry for the inconvenience of not being able to get ahold of us. We are working to get it resolved. Thank you for your patience!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Oct 11, 2023 Ninnekah Owl Family, The Support that you have shown for the students in Ninnekah is overwhelming! Thank you just doesn't seem to adequately portray the gratitude of the school district. This community continues to support the needs of children in school every day, and passing the bond issue demonstrates your commitment. We are looking forward to new facilities providing new opportunities for Ninnekah! THANK YOU! Ashley Randall, Ph.D. Superintendent Ninnekah Public Schools
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Bond Passing Letter!
REMINDER! Fall Break is Thursday, October 12, Friday, October 13 & Monday, October 16. School resumes Tuesday, October 17!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
fall break info
VOTE TODAY! Invest in our students' future!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Remember to go vote tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Don't forget Parent/Teacher Conferences! Monday, October 9 & Tuesday, October 10! 4-7PM
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
parent teacher conference
We currently have job openings for: -paraprofessional -custodian -bus driver(s) Please apply at the Ninnekah Superintendents office.
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Good Luck Elementary Owls & Lady Owls in the Verden Tournament. Lady Owls play at 3. Owls play at 4. Elementary Regular Season Basketball Schedule is linked below. https://5il.co/24cx5
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah basketball