Hey Seniors of 2023, 2023 yearbooks are here!!!! If you ordered a yearbook get with the highs school to pick it up!!!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
The next Bond Meeting will be: August 30th 2023 @6:00p.m. Ninnekah P.S. Cafeteria
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
2023 Bond Meeting
Back to school Bash TOMORROW AUGUST 29TH 4:00-8:00 p.m. Ninnekah Baseball and Softball Fields! Free Admission to Baseball and Softball Games!! Free Hotdogs, sno-cones and Face Paintings!! Bounce House Fun! Chance to win a free Athletic Pass! There will also be School Bond info available!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Back to school Bash 2023
T Shirt fundraiser, Order yours before Aug 30th!!!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
t shirt fundraiser
Join Us On August 29th, 2023!!! 4:00-8:00 @the McNatt Baseball and Softball Complex We are having a Back to School PARTY!!!!! The Party will include: Free Admission to the Baseball and Softball Game, Free Hotdogs & Snow Cones! There will also be a Bounce House Set up!! There will be Club and Organization Info on Archery, Drama and Esports
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Back to School Bash
We have made a change in our softball schedule for this week. We will play Union City junior high and high school on Tuesday at Ninnekah. We will not play them on Monday. We consolidated the two that were scheduled for Monday and Tuesday and moved both games to Tuesday at Ninnekah starting at 4:30.
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Starting on Monday August 21st, 2023 if your student previously rode Coach Hurst Bus (#7) your student will be picked up approximately 30 min earlier than normal. Please be patient as times may vary a little on all routes! Thank you Ninnekah Public Schools
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Parents please be patient with us as we work out bus route changes that are having to be made. Bus times may be delayed from what they were today.
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
School Bus
It was a great first day Owls!!! We are so excited to have our Owls back with us. Wishing you all a great school year! Now its time to show us your First Day Pictures!! Upload your first day pics on Facebook with the hashtag #ninnekahisahoot
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
first day of school sisters!
Parents: There will be a letter passed out tonight at meet the teacher from our District Nurse! This letter will address the Medication Policy. Letters will be at each building.
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Medical Management
6th Grade Orientation!!! Meet & Greet, Parent Q&A, Special Tour Monday August 14th, 2023, 4:30 Ninnekah Cafeteria Stay after hours for open house!!! Questions? Contact Mrs. Swyden Email: mfoote@ninnekah.k12.ok.us
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
6th Grade Orientation
Tuesday August 8th from 9:00 to 6:00 SECOND CHANCE IN PERSON ENROLLMENT!!!! Enrollment will take place in the high school! If you have not already enrolled your NPS Student please come and enroll your student on Tuesday so we can finalize class list and schedules!!! We are excited for a great 23-24 school year!!!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Open House/Meet the Teacher Monday August 14th, 2023 See your Classroom, Drop off Supplies and pick up schedules! Join us for a Back to School Bash August 29th! Free Admission to softball and Baseball Game, Hot Dogs, Free Snow-Cones! More details coming soon!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Open House
Reminder!!! If you are still needing to get your sports physical for the 23-24 school year we will be offering it at the ELELMENTARY School Tonight, Wednesday Aug 2nd at 5:00. $25.00 a physical. All NPS students wanting to play any sports at any time in the school year will have to have a physical before they can participate. Where: Nurses office, enter the Elementary building at the North Side of the Building!!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Sports physicals
Update: If you are still needing to get your sports physical for the 23-24 school year we will be offering it at the ELEMENTARY school Wednesday Aug 2nd at 5:00! $25.00 a physical. All NPS Athletes need one to participate in school sports!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
sports physical
Ninnekah Owl Jr High Baseball practice begins August 1st @10:00AM on the Main Baseball Field!!!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Jr High Baseball Practice Starts Aug 2nd!
If you are still needing to get your sports physical for the 23-24 school year we will be offering it at the Middle School Wednesday Aug 2nd at 5:00! $25.00 a physical. All NPS Athletes need one to participate in school sports!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
sports physicals
​Last night, the board approved some changes to provide additional administrative support to our staff and students! We will add an administrator to provide additional support in the buildings, provide additional support at the many student activities, and provide more time visiting classrooms during the school year. Mrs. Jones will remain Secondary Principal, and take on the additional title of Executive Director. Mrs. Jones will remain the principal of secondary education and provide additional administrative support at the district level. Mr. Garcia will move to Associate Secondary Principal, and his office will be located in the middle school. He will work directly with Mrs. Jones in the secondary schools. The move to the secondary area will allow easier transitions between athletics and the school building during the day. Mr. Hurst will supervise our all day alternative education program in its newly developed format serving our district as well as the cooperative districts from neighboring communities. The Elementary School Principal position will be posted to add someone for that position. Mr. Garcia will remain at the elementary school until a transition can take place. These changes will allow for a certified administrator to be in each of our school buildings.
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah Owl
NPS Parents and Guardians, If you have already enrolled your student for the 23-24 school year online please go back to your student portal and fill out the lunch room application we have to have an application for every household attending our district!! Even if you don't want to use it we still need a signature and a no thank you! If you have not filled out your students enrollment yet please fill out the lunch room application when you fill out your enrollment!
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Lunch room app notice
lunchroom online app notice
NPS Parents and Guardian's, We are having some issues arise with our online enrolling system. Our District Registrar is working directly with Sylogist to get the issues resolved. We are hoping to have the issues resolved by the end of the week. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve the issues.
over 1 year ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah Owl