Everybody needs a crazy pair of socks...especially when the socks are a part of a PTO fundraiser! Go to the link below then click the order link. All socks ordered using this link will benefit the new Ninnekah PTO! https://ninnekahptosockfundraiser.com/
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah 2nd graders are collecting items to give to nursing home residents. Please consider helping them with this act of kindness. Just another way that Owls give back!
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Parents and Guardians we have heard you! We understand that attending Parent University is difficult and that life is hectic and busy. We are trying a new option and filming Parent University to send out to parents, and are working to have a library of video's accessible on the school website. Parent University for today, December 7, 2022, is canceled in person. Please look for a video to be sent out tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah Theater Class plans to perform "A Christmas Carol: A Ghost Story" on Mon, Dec 19th! Find out more in our news story https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/930888
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah Theater
Ninnekah Schools will be back in session tomorrow, Tues 12/6/22. Please read the letter from Dr. Davis by clicking the link to our website news section at https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/929242 Thank you, Ninnekah!
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah Schools Administration received information about a threat to our school for Monday. Law enforcement was contacted and responded by making contact with the person that made the threat. Out of precaution, Ninnekah schools will go virtual for Monday, December 5, 2022. As we have more details tomorrow, we will update the community. Student and staff safety remains a priority and the move to virtual is an extra precaution so that we can verify all safety measures. Thank you to our Ninnekah community for your support!
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Coin War for Baker, PTO Sock Fundraiser, and MS/HS Food Drive Competition are going on now! Other events this week: Tues 12/6 PTO Meeting at 5:30 and HS Basketball at Central. Wed 12/7 Parent University at 5:30. Thurs 12/8 HS Binger-Oney Basketball Tournament begins. Have a great week, Ninnekah!
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Catch up with recent news and updates from Ninnekah Schools anytime in the Feed section of our App! Just click on our App's Menu icon and select Feed.
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Jerzie Baker Signing 2022
The new Ninnekah PTO is starting its first fundraising opportunity today! The Ninnekah PTO Sock Fundraiser is now available online. Visit the webpage link below and use the "click here" link to be sure that your purchase counts! Thank you, Ninnekah, for supporting our students and school! https://ninnekahptosockfundraiser.com/
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah PTO Sock Fundraiser Flyer Image
Ninnekah is forming a new PTO! Please consider being a part of this Parent Teacher Organization and join us for our first meeting on Tues Dec 6th at 5:30pm. Click the link for more information: https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/922520
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Don't miss the Superintendent Update for November in our News section on our website! https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/923180
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Staying Connected With Our Community
The Ninnekah Owls are holding a Coin War for local community member Russell Baker and his family. Russell suffered a stroke over Thanksgiving Break. Students in grades Pre-K through 8th are using the Coin War from 11/29/22 to 12/7/22, and all proceeds will go to this family.
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Monday, November 28th, busses will have to run double routes due to a driver shortage. Students that ride Mr Hurst’s bus will be picked up about 45 minutes later than normal. All tardy due to the bus will be excused and all students will be able to eat breakfast. Thank you for your patience as we work through this issue.
over 2 years ago, Ashley Davis
Please remember that today is a Virtual Day. Students have assignments, and they must log in and make contact with their teachers in some way for attendance purposes. MS/HS students should check school emails and Google Classroom. Elem parents should receive information from their child's teacher by their usual method of contact. Students should know their log in info. Have a great day!
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Due to excessive absences for flu, we will be VIRTUAL tomorrow, November 18th. Students should login to complete class work and be counted as present. Buildings will be disinfected. Remember there is No School next week for Thanksgiving Break!
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Congrats to our Ninnekah Archers for placing in two recent tournaments! See our news story for more details! https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/911008
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Congratulations to Senior Lady Owls Savannah & Sydney Jackson on signing with the Hesston Larks!
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Savannah Jackson, Hesston Larks, Signing Poster 11/16/2022
Sydney Jackson, Hesston Larks, Signing Poster 11/16/2022
Reminders: Tonight be sure to come at 6:00pm in the Cafeteria for our Parent University: Drugs/Fentanyl Crisis. Tomorrow, Wed Nov 16th, is our Grandparent/Guest Lunch with the Kids. Student artwork will be available for purchase by donation, and grandparents/guests should go directly to the cafeteria at their child's regular lunch time (must be signed up and pre-paid).
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Please join us for our November Parent University tomorrow, Tues Nov 14, at 6:00pm in the Cafeteria. Special guest speaker Mr. Jimmy Peek, TDS/DEA, will be presenting life-saving information about Drugs-Fentanyl Crisis.
over 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Parent University Nov 2022: Drugs-Fentanyl Crisis