Be sure to come out tonight, Wed 9/14, to the Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for the Wells family in the Ninnekah School Cafeteria! They were involved in an accident last week on the way to school. The dinner will be from 5pm-7pm. Cost is $8 per person, with all proceeds going to the family. See you there!

Yearbook Picture Day is Tues Sept 20th for Pre-K through 11th grades! Watch for order forms being sent home with students this week. Return completed forms with payment, or online code, on picture day.

A Benefit Spaghetti Dinner will be held in the Ninnekah School Cafeteria on Wed Sept 14 from 5pm-7pm. The cost is $8 per plate, and all proceeds will go to the Wells family. Please come out and help us support this family!

Find ways that you can help a Ninnekah family involved in an accident this morning at the link below in a message from our Superintendent:

Our Ninnekah Schools app currently has over 700 active downloads! Thank you, Ninnekah, and be sure to help us spread the word. Our app allows us to notify you immediately of important information so that you can stay informed. Have a great week, Owls!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be NO ala carte again tomorrow, Thurs 9/1, for MS and HS lunches, however it will be available on Friday. Thank you.

As a part of our new safety measures, Parking Permits will now be required for all students and employees with vehicles on campus. Our goal is to ensure the safety of our students, and we believe that this is an important step in that process. Students should bring their driver's license, vehicle and insurance information, and $5 fee to the Superintendent's office. Read more and find a printable form at https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/823433

MS/HS: There will be NO ala carte items for sale in the cafeteria tomorrow, Wed 8/31. The items will be available again the following day Thurs 9/1.

The Ninnekah FFA Blue & Gold/Meat Sale fundraiser deadline has been extended to next Thurs, Sept 8th. Payment is due at time of order. Contact an FFA student or Mrs. Kennan to order!

One week of school is already complete, and we are looking forward to a great year ahead! Change is never easy, so thank you parents for your patience during this time of transition. Please remember to complete the survey on our website if you are a parent/guardian of a child who attends here!
Our Elementary teachers have received new curriculum for their classrooms! Check out a few pics here (or click Main, then Feed).
Good luck to our Ag/FFA students at the Grady County Fair this weekend!

Parents and Guardians of current Ninnekah students: Please take a few minutes to complete Trust & Engagement and Parent Communication Preferences Survey on our website now! Go to our website and follow the prompt, or click on the link below. Thank you in advance, as your feedback will help us to better serve you and your student!

It's Blue & Gold time! See a Ninnekah FFA member or leave a message for Mrs. Kennan at the HS at (405)224-4299. Orders are due Sept 1st!

Elementary Parents/Guardians,
Effective Monday, August 22nd, parents/guardians will need to remain in their vehicles and go through the drive line for child pick up. This past Friday we had several incidents that were safety issues due to kids running through the crosswalk. To eliminate any future safety concerns, this will be enforced tomorrow..
Any parents who walk to pick up their child will need to pick them up at the North end of the building (Head Start entrance).
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Mr. Garcia

Thank you to all of our parents/guardians for helping our Owls get off to a great start this year! Remember that you can drop off your child in front of the cafeteria if they will be eating breakfast beginning at 7:45. Otherwise, please wait until 8 or after to drop them off in front of their building.
Also, Ninnekah is starting a new 4-H group! Learn more at the meeting in the cafeteria Mon 8/22, at 6pm. See flyer pic for more details!

6th Grade Orientation tonight at 6pm and First Day of School tomorrow! Breakfast is free in the cafeteria for all Ninnekah students and will begin at 7:45am, however the Elem building will not open until 8:00am. The MS and HS will open at first bell at 8:15 with class beginning at 8:20. Lunches are $3.05 for students, with reduced price lunches at $0.40. Extra milk is $0.30. A la carte items will be available for cash sale during MS and HS lunches.
It's going to be a great year! Go Owls!

Elementary Parents/Guardians: Please read a message from our Elementary Principal in our News section at https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/807861
Go Owls!

Come on out tonight, Mon 8/15, to Ninnekah's Meet the Teacher at 5pm (all buildings) and Back to School Bash at 6pm! Shoe us your pics by using #Ninnekahisahoot! when you post or share! See you tonight!

Ninnekah MS 6th Grade Orientation will be Wed Aug 17th, 6pm-7pm! Join us for ice cream, a tour, parent Q & A, and drop off your supplies while you learn about what to expect in Middle School! Go Owls!

Ninnekah Schools Open House has been changed to Mon 8/15! Meet the Teacher for all buildings will begin at 5pm, followed by Back to School Bash at 6pm on the lawn. Mark your calendars now, and we will send more details later!

An opening for Custodian has just been posted! Please see Job Postings on our Menu for more information.