New School Hot Spots have arrived! If you currently have a school hot spot, please bring it to the Superintendent's office to trade it for a new one.

The HS basketball game scheduled for tomorrow, Tues 1/11, with Sterling has been CANCELLED by Sterling. Attempts are being made to reschedule for a later date.

JH Grady County Tournament is this week! Ninnekah teams play their first games Monday, 1/10, at Verden against Am-Po. NJH Girls play at 6:00pm, followed by NJH Boys at 7:00pm. See the attached bracket pic:

Ninnekah T-Shirt Blanket Drawing: Now until January 24th the tickets are ONLY $1.00 each. The drawing will be announced at the last home game January 24th. You may purchase tickets from Mrs. Lawler at any home game or send money to school and give to Ms. Brookshire or Mrs. Lawler.

The Longhorn Classic HS Basketball Tournament is Jan 6th - 8th at Alex! NHS Girls will kick things off against Calumet at 11am Thurs Jan 6, then the Boys will take on MVG at 5:40pm. Go Ninnekah!

HS basketball teams play at Home tonight, Tues Jan 4th, at 6:30 against Rush Springs. Come out and support our Owls and Lady Owls!

Welcome back, Ninnekah! We are kicking off 2022 with a little basketball! For today, Mon Dec 3rd, games will be JH girls and boys only beginning at 4:30pm AT BRAY-DOYLE. This was a change from the original schedule. Go Owls!

Watch the livestream Elem Christmas Program at the link below for a small fee from the provider!

Remember tonight, Thurs Dec 16, is Deck the Halls at the Elementary starting at 5:00, followed by the Elementary Christmas Program in the Gym at 6:30! Our students have worked hard on all of the artwork in the hallways and on all of the music for the program, so don't miss out!
Also, remember that there is No School tomorrow, Fri Dec 17th due to Professional Day for teachers and staff.

It's Burger Day at Interurban in Chickasha today, Tues Dec 14th, all day! Enjoy a burger and help support our Middle School Washington D.C. Trip at the same time!
Also, remember the Ninnekah Little League Basketball Parent Meeting tonight at 5:30pm in the gym.

Good luck to the JH Basketball teams as they travel to Rush Springs tonight, Mon Dec 13 beginning at 4:30pm!
Interurban Burger Night to benefit the MS Washington D.C. trip is Tues night, Dec 14!

Indoor Volleyball Tournament Fundraiser: Need to contact ASAP if you want a team in! There are just a few spots left!

Good luck to our JH Owls and Lady Owls as they play at Dibble tonight starting at 4:30!
Events for tomorrow, Tues Dec 7: Wear school colors!!! Parade for both JH & HS Homecoming at 1:30pm with pep rally immediately following. Ag Booster Burger Night 5pm-6pm in the cafeteria, then HS Homecoming will be tomorrow evening. Boys play first at 6:30pm. Homecoming festivities will be during half-time of the boys game, and the girls will play after the boys. Go Ninnekah!

Indoor Volleyball Tourney to be held for Ninnekah Softball on Sat Dec 11. Enter your team now, or just make plans to come and watch! See flyer for more details at https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/602464

Mark your calendars!
Thursday, Dec 16 will be the last day of our 1st Semester!
Elementary Deck the Halls will be open 5:00-6:30pm that evening, followed by the Elementary Christmas Program at 6:30pm in the gym.
Friday, Dec. 17 will be NO SCHOOL due to professional day, and then we will be out until the 2nd Semester begins on Jan 3.

Remember that there will be NO basketball games tonight, Thurs Dec 2, due to previous cancellation. Also, the Union City HS game has been changed. JH and HS Basketball teams will all play Union City tomorrow, Friday Dec 3, with the JH beginning at 4:30pm. Don't miss out on this chance to support our Owls and Lady Owls tomorrow night!

Welcome back, Ninnekah! JH Homecoming originally scheduled to be this week has been rescheduled to Jan 24th. A Homecoming Parade for both JH and HS will be Tues Dec 7th at 1:30pm, with pep rally immediately following. HS Homecoming will be later that evening. Mark your calendars now so you don't miss out!

Come out tonight, Friday Nov 19, to watch our NHS Owls and Lady Owls basketball teams take on Dibble at Ninnekah!
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving break next week! Classes will resume on Monday Nov 29.

Change: JH Basketball games tonight, Thurs Nov 18, are at HOME. Games start with 7th-8th at 4:30. Go Ninnekah!

If you missed our Veterans Day program, you can check out the news story on our website or app!