Find Dress Codes for each building site on our website and app, or go to the link below:

Correction: Elem/MS Open House is Tues Aug 10th, 6pm-7pm.

Reminder: Athletic and bus driver physicals today, Tues Aug 3rd from 4:30-7pm in the HS library. Fee for athletes is $25.
Also, mark your calendars for Elem/MS Open House on Tues Aug 7th from 6pm-7pm. First day of school is Thurs Aug 12th!

Supply Lists/Fees can be found at https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/500515
Upcoming events:
Aug 2: Scheduled maintenance may interrupt some internet and phone service on campus.
Aug 3: Athletic physicals in HS library 4:30-7pm.

Parents enrolling using online forms: Remember to complete one lunch form for your family! It is on the enrollment tab.
HS students: Please come by to select your elective preferences! Parents still must complete enrollment forms.

All sites (Elem, MS, and HS) will be open for enrollment today, Thurs 7/29, 4pm-7pm. Online forms, and now Supply Lists/Fees, can be found by clicking the tab at the top of our home page or https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/page/enrollment.

Enrollment forms and instructions are located at the tab at the top of our website homepage (HS forms will be available there by this afternoon). High School students: please come to the school during enrollment times tomorrow, Thurs 7/29, between 4pm and 7pm to sign up for your preferred schedule of classes. Remember that forms may be completed online or by hand, however online forms must be completed by using a computer.

Athletic Physicals will be offered on Tues Aug 3 from 4:30pm-7pm in the Ninnekah High School Library. The cost is $25 for student athletes, but they are free for Ninnekah bus drivers.

Enrollment is Wed July 28 for Elem and MS from 9am-3pm and on Thurs July 29 for Elem and HS from 4pm-7pm. Parents can complete forms by hand or online (links will be at the top of the school website). Ninnekah is only offering in-person instruction for 2021-22.

The 2021 Fast Pitch Softball Season has started for both junior high and high school. Anyone wanting to play needs to contact Coach Jones: (405) 320-0745 or Coach Foust:
(405) 201-3018 as soon as possible!

Reminder: Counselors will be available for students and adults in private rooms today, Mon July 12, from 1pm-5pm, at the First Baptist Church, Ninnekah. Parking is available at the Elem and church parking lots.

Deadline Extended - Community members wanting to speak at the July School Board Meeting will have until 4:30 pm on Monday, July 12 to submit a written request to the superintendent’s office asking to be added to the agenda.

Ninnekah Schools have made arrangements for Licensed Professional Counselors to be available on Mon July 12th, from 1pm-5pm, at the First Baptist Church across from the school. They will be available to speak with any student or adult who wants to speak with someone. Individual counseling rooms will be used for privacy. You may park at the Elem and walk across, or you may park in the church parking lot.

Ninnekah Public School will continue to offer counseling with a Licensed Professional Counselor. Additional scheduled times will be announced and posted as soon as they are available. We are also providing a list of local counseling agencies in the link below:

Ninnekah Public Schools has made arrangements for a Licensed Professional Counselor to be available at the Ninnekah High School Library tomorrow, July 1, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The counselor will be available to any student or adult who wants to speak to someone.

Please read the press release from Ninnekah Schools located at the link below:

Help Ninnekah FFA find missing trailer. See link below for more information and pictures of trailer being taken:

All school offices will be closed Mon June 21 through Friday July 2. The free summer meals will continue through Thurs June 24 as scheduled.

Free breakfast and lunch pick up starts this week, Mon-Thurs, 10:30-12. It is available to any child up to age 18, even if do not attend Ninnekah. Please complete online form at top of website. Some limited delivery. Please call 405-224-4092 for more information.

Attention boys planning to play JH or HS basketball: Coach Dedmon, Ninnekah's new boys coach, wants to meet on Friday, May 14th, at 3:00pm in the gym. Come if you can!