HS Parents: The High School doors are locked. If you need to pick up your student, please park, call (405)224-4299, and we will send him/her out to you. Thank you for your help!
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Get new Ninnekah fan apparel and help support NHS Cheer at the same time! Visit the link to order from the full list of available items until Tues 9/22. https://fancloth.shop/r1f2x
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Please read this message from the Superintendent in our News section: https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/310205?org=ninnekah-schools
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Enjoy your long, Labor Day weekend and stay safe, Ninnekah! There is No School on Mon Sept 7th. Regular classes will resume on Tues Sept 8th.
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah Schools Superintendent announces new free lunch program for students and children ages 1-18. Click the link to view the special announcement: https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/300412?org=ninnekah-schools
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
After Fri Sept 4th, all Ninnekah Virtual Students will be locked into virtual learning until January. Any students who instead wish to return to in-person classes now must contact the school on or before Fri Sept 4th.
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
VIRTUAL NINNEKAH PARENTS/GUARDIANS: The September food program form is now available. The link is https://pdf.ac/hKJy1 . Pick up will be at 10:00am each day.
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
As we are settling in to school starting and people are beginning to feel more comfortable, we want to remind everyone that students need to continue to practice social distancing, proper hand washing, and sanitizing frequently while at school. Masks are still encouraged but not mandatory. Teachers are doing their best to space students out and sanitize between classes. If we need to remind you to do these things, please be positive. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Yearbook Picture Day is tomorrow, Tues 8/25, for Pre-K through 11th. Remember to bring your order forms and money (exact amount only).
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Attention all Native American students and parents: If you have not enrolled in our school's JOM program, you need to do so by Aug 28. We will also need a copy of your CDIB card. Please contact Christeen Allen at the Middle School or at (405)779-1959.
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
VIRTUAL NINNEKAH Middle School students may now access their online curriculum. An email was sent to your school email. If you are unsure of your login, please call the school immediately!
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Parents/guardians that have not sent their $40 supply fee for elementary and middle school supplies, please do so as soon as possible. Thanks for your attention to this matter.
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
All Parents/Guardians: Every household must complete a lunch form online. If you have not already completed this, please visit the link below ASAP. If you do not need/want lunch assistance, please type "Not Needed" in the household members area. Thank you! https://pdf.ac/r7Mb1
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
On campus classes start tomorrow, Thurs, Aug 13th! Please remember to send any supply fee or other requested items, such as a water bottle, with your student. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
High School and Middle School VIRTUAL NINNEKAH Students! Students taking classes virtually will be contacted next week with their log in information. No action needs to be taken by those students at this time.
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Cafeteria News! There will be no microwave available for students in the cafeteria. Ninnekah virtual student meals will be available for pick up at 10:00 am every morning.
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
VIRTUAL NINNEKAH students will need to fill a meal form out each month to receive breakfasts and lunches. The link to the AUGUST MEAL FORM is https://pdf.ac/5rrZ3. Again, this ONLY for VIRTUAL NINNEKAH students.
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Athletic/bus driver physicals will be performed in the high school at 6:00 this evening. Cost will be $20. Each 7-12 athlete is required to get an OSSAA physical each school year. This must be done before athletes can participate in interscholastic competition. .
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
The VIRTUAL NINNEKAH enrollment packet is now available for students/parents to fill out online. The packet includes the Free & Reduced Form because VIRTUAL NINNEKAH students will still have access to meal(s). If a student has already filled out the traditional enrollment packet and would now like to do virtual school, THIS PACKET MUST BE FILLED OUT! Each building's VIRTUAL NINNEKAH Manual is available at the following links: Elementary: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/830983/VIRTUAL_NINNEKAH_ELEMENTARY_SCHOOL_MANUAL.pdf Middle School: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/830034/VIRTUAL_NINNEKAH_MIDDLE_SCHOOL_MANUAL.pdf High School: pending Enrollment for VIRTUAL NINNEKAH will end August 14th. The link for the enrollment form is https://pdf.ac/AJ89H.
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah Public School Online Enrollment Due Soon In an effort to keep our patrons safe, Ninnekah Public Schools has made all enrollment online. Parents/guardians that attend the regular scheduled enrollment times will fill out the same forms in each building's computer labs. Below are links to our Return to Learn Plan, a survey needed for distance learning grants we are applying for, as well as enrollment packets for each building. VIRTUAL NINNEKAH enrollment will begin August 1st and will also be posted online. Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school or comment below. Return to Learn Plan: https://5il.co/iea1 Distance Learning Survey: https://pdf.ac/5j5jn Please fill out for EACH student School Lunch Form: https://pdf.ac/r7Mb1 ALL households need to fill this out whether you qualify or not. Elementary Enrollment Packet: https://pdf.ac/EWJYl Middle School Enrollment Packet: https://pdf.ac/GH4S3 High School Enrollment Packet: https://pdf.ac/9KbVb
over 4 years ago, Ninnekah Schools