Yearbooks for sale! Last day to order will be Tuesday, May 14! if you have any questions, please contact Thank you!
10 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
Congratulations, NHS Class of 2024!
10 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
B. Jarnagin
The compassionate, skilled, dedicated, calm & caring taker of temperatures, the stomachache expert, the keeper of BandAids and boo boo healer. Happy National School Nurses Day to Mrs. Courtney! She is constantly going above and beyond for our students making sure they are taken care of! Thank you, Mrs. Courtney! We are so very blessed to have you as part of our Ninnekah Owl Family!
10 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
mrs, Courtney
Middle School Awards Assembly & 8th Grade promotion starting tomorrow @ 9:00AM!
10 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
middle school awards
Middle School & High School students, please make sure you have your Chromebook and charger ready to turn in tomorrow as well as your school hotspot if you checked one out. If you do not have a charger, a $50.00 replacement fee will be due when you return your Chromebook.
10 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
MS & HS Chromebooks due tomorrow
Yearbooks for sale! if you have any questions, please contact Thank you!
10 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
Congratulations, NHS Class of 2024!
10 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
The elementary storm shelters will be open this evening due to the threat of severe weather. Please use the EAST doors. Stay weather aware & stay safe owls. 🦉 ❤️
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
Congratulations, NHS Class of 2024!
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
🦉 Class of 2024 Graduation 🦉
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
class of 2024 graduation
DON'T FORGET!!: Elementary students that have a Chromebook and/or school issued hotspot will need to be turned in tomorrow along with the charger. Replacement fee for charger is $50.00 If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Jerdee at the elementary or
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
elementary Chromebooks
Future Cheerleaders -the previous flyer had the wrong dates so it was deleted. the dates are: May 8 / 4-6PM / INTRODUCE & PRACTICE May 9 / 4-6PM / PRACTICE May 16 / 4-6PM / PRACTICE May 18 / 10AM / TRYOUTS thank you! sorry for any confusion. 🦉 ❤️
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
Weekly Agenda for elementary, middle & high school. May 6 - 10
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
weekly agenda
Congratulations, NHS Class of 2024!
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
Jayme black
Gabby Walker
Congratulations, NHS Class of 2024!
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
jay j
check your lunch balance! Please make checks payable to Ninnekah Public Schools. Thank you!
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
lunch account
Congratulations, NHS Class of 2024!
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
Jacob Horn
Brison Shaw
Happy School Lunch Hero Day! Thank you to our ladies in the cafeteria for taking care of our students and staff making sure we have healthy, well balanced meals for breakfast and lunch! We appreciate all you do for us!
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
school lunch hero
REMINDER: High School Academic & Athletic Banquet tonight in the cafeteria @ 6:00PM. $10 a meal. (Per. Superintendents office no bills larger that a $20 will be accepted) Thank you!
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah Basketball Camp May 20 - May 23 Sign up using QR code or sign up May 20 Cost is $30
11 months ago, Ninnekah Schools
basketball camp