Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Don't forget to let them know you appreciate them!

Congratulations, NHS Class of 2024!

Middle School Awards Assembly & 8th Grade Promotion will be Wednesday, May 8 @ 9:00AM in the cafeteria.

Ninnkekah Middle School Awards Assembly
When: May 8th 2024 @ 9:00 a.m.
Where; Ninnekah Cafeteria

Don't forget to get your form in for summer camp!
spots are filling up!
Contact Mrs. Swyden at the Middle School with any questions!

Chromebooks, chargers & hotspots will need to be returned next week!
Elementary - May 6
Middle School & High School - May 8

Elementary Spring Recital tomorrow in the gym at 845! If you are attending, please go directly to the gym. Elementary doors will be locked due to state testing.
Gym doors will be open at 8:30.
thank you!
Our little ones can't wait to sing for you!

Ninnekah High School Academic and Athletic Banquet Where: Ninnekah Cafeteria When: May 2nd.2024 @ 6:00pm $10 a meal Athletes and Academic Award Participates eat free.

Alumni, if you painted a ceiling tile and would like to have it, please pick it up from Mrs. Horn in the high school by 3:00PM on May 15.
Thank you!

Our internet & phone system is currently down.
We are working with the provider to get it resolved.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you for your patience!

The Ninnekah Board of Education is excited to introduce Mrs. Regina Jones as our new superintendent!
Mrs. Jones has been employed with Ninnekah Public Schools since 2003. She has not only been a teacher, but Ninnekah’s ‘Teacher of The Year’ four times!
She was also Grady County’s Middle School Educator of the Year two years in a row! Mrs. Jones has also served as elementary principal and high school principal here at Ninnekah and excelled at several positions in between. We are extremely thrilled that Mrs. Jones will continue to serve and guide our students and staff to a successful future.

Ninnekah Seniors,
FBC Ninnekah is hosting Baccalaureate Service on May 5th @ 6:00PM if you would like to attend.

The elementary safe rooms will be open to take shelter from the severe weather. Please use the south entrance.
Stay weather aware Owls!

Please read the following for info about turning in Chromebooks.
Thank you!

Bus #7 will be running its route this morning,it is in route currently. We are sorry for the inconvenience!!

The elementary track meet at Cyril for tomorrow, Wednesday, April. 24, has been cancelled.

Its time to order your 2023-2024 yearbook. Orders will be taken until the last day of school. Delivery will be in the fall.
Yearbooks are $40 each
Also if you've missed out on previous years we have some extras that can be ordered and delivered to you now.
2022-2023 yearbook $15
2021-2022 yearbook $10
Order forms are in the office of each building

yearbooks! get your yearbook!
2023 - 2024 Ninnekah School Yearbooks are on sale now for $40.00!
Yearbooks can be ordered by filling out a yearbook form.
last day to order is May 8
If you have any questions, please email : lee.drennan@ninnekah.k12.ok.us
yearbooks will arrive : August 2024

Washington D.C. meeting tonight!

Drama Students hard at dress rehearsal for their upcoming dinner theater “Death By Dessert” opening this Saturday April 20. Tickets are $20 and they include a 3 course meal and interactive theater. Feel free to message our Drama teacher Mandie Taylor for more info or to purchase tickets. You can also pay at the door