Parents and Guardians: Please remember to check your students lunch acct balance and bring it to a zero balance as soon as possible. It has to be paid by the last day of school May 12th! you may pay online or by cash/check in the superintendents office. Note when paying lunch bills you will need to be on a desktop unless you download and use the Wengage by SylogistEd App. The app will work for android and apple!

Owl parents and community tonight is our seniors baccalaureate! Baccalaureate start at 6:00 and is at the Ninnekah First Baptist Church!! Congrats Seniors!

Summer is right around the corner, join us for Ninnekah Summer Camp!!!
Summer Camp is for K-4th and 5-8th grades! (the grade your student just completed), Must already
Camp is free. Transportation, Breakfast and lunch are all provided!
Days/Time: Monday-Thursday 9am-1pm *Subject to change on Field Trip days.
Field Trips every Thursday!!!
We have limited spots available so reserve your spot!! You need to be signed up by Friday May 12th!
For questions or more information contact Mrs. Swyden at the Middle School! mfoote@ninnekah.k12.ok.us or (405) 224-4092.
Here is an updated Schedule we will not have camp on Memorial Day!
Week 2: May 30-June 1 No Camp on Monday!
Use this link for online enrollment : https://forms.gle/gmwAKLxeaR4XHkQo7

Parents and Guardians:
Please remember to check your students lunch account balance and bring it to a zero balance as soon as possible before the last day of school. You may pay online or by cash/check in the superintendents office. Note when paying lunch bills you will need to be on desktop unless you download and use the Wengage by SylogistEd App. The App will work for Android and Apple!

Our 3rd Graders lived and ate like Pioneers! They staked their claim, put up tents, ate like pioneer's, learn to rope and learned to square dance! These students had a full day of fun living like pioneer's!!! Thank you Mrs. Jordan for giving these student a great experience!!
Thank you so much Jerome, Cord and Ramsey Jones for helping making our Pioneer Day a success!

A Big Thank You goes out to the Lighthorse Police Dept for Coming to talk to our 5th graders today! Lighthorse explained what they do and answered tons of questions from our very interested students! Our Owls also got to go out and see their patrol cars where lighthorse showed them tons of stuff and answered more questions! Our 5th grade sudents had a great time, once again thank you Lighthorse!

Parents and Guardians:
Tomorrow May 4th and Friday May 5th the High School will be having their Final Exams. On Thursday we will odd number classes Friday we will do even number classes. Please have your students here and well rested to finish their grades off great for year 22-23!

Monday: You make us BLOOM- Bring a Flower (fresh, fake, drawn)
Tuesday: Teachers are NOTEWORTHY- write your teacher a note to explain how they have impacted your life this year.
Wednesday: SUPPLY them with thanks- Gift with any classroom supplies.
Thursday: My Teacher is a TREAT- Treat your teacher to a snack or candy.
Friday: FREE CHOICE- Choose how you want to celebrate and thank your teacher!

Ninnekah Summer Camp is right around the corner!
Summer Camp is for K-4th and 5th-8th grades. (The Grade your student just completed) Must have been in the Ninnkah School district 22-23 school year to attend.
Camp is free, Transportation, Breakfast and Lunch are provided.
Days/Time: Monday-Thursday 9am-1pm *Subject to change on field Trip days.
Field trips every Thursday!!!
We have limited spots available so reserve your spot!!
Sign Up deadline is May 12th!!!
For questions or more information contact Mrs. Swyden at the Middle School mfoote@ninnekah .k12.ok.us or (405) 224-4092
Click the link to sign up: https://forms.gle/gmwAKLxeaR4XHkQo7

A Great Principal Builds Character, Inspires Dreams, Encourages Creativity, Builds Confidence, Instills a love of learning and touches our hearts changing our lives forever!! Here in the Ninnekah District We have GREAT Principals that are very appreciated!!! Thank You for being great Educational Leaders that are helping our students and school be successful!

Our First Graders have been leaning about animals and their habitats! They have worked super hard on creating their own habitats to display in our hallway! We are very proud of our Little Owls!!! -Mrs.Hilderbrand and Mrs. Smith.
These Look so good, great work 1st Grade!!!

Parents and Guardians you can now download a Wengage App that will allow you to pay your lunch bill! Look up Wengage by SylogistEd. This App will work for Apple and Android! You will use the same login that you use when you login to Wengage on the internet.

At this time our internet and phone system is intermittently not working. Please be patient with us as we work diligently to resolve this issue. We are sorry for any inconveniences.

At a recent Track Meet Ninnekah Athlete's Placed really well! Congrats Ninnekah Owls!!
H.S. Girls 400m Relay/2nd Place- Shawna J. Roxy S. Kate H. and Lexi Jo S.
H.S. Girls Long Jump/1st Place- Lexi Jo Shoemake
H.S. Boys High Jump/3rd Place- Travis Sullivan
H.S. Boys Long Jump/3rd Place- Daniel Jones
H.S. Girls 100m Hurdles/3rd Place-Kate Holland
H.S. Boys Long Jump/1st Place-Colby Keller
H.S. Girls 100m Dash/1st Place-Lexi Jo Shoemake
H.S. Girls 3200m Run/3rd Place -Roxy Sanderson
H.S. Boys 800m Relay/2nd Place-Jay J. Eli B. Brison S. Colby K.
H.S. Girls 300 Hurdle/1st Place-Roxy Sanderson
H.S. Boys 200m Dash/3rd Place-Colby Keller
H.S. Boys 200m Dash/2nd Place-Jay Jerdee
H.S. Girls 200m Dash/1st Place-Lexi Jo Shoemake
H.S. Girls 1600/3rd Place-Roxy Sanderson
H.S. Boys 1600/2ns Place-Travis

REMNINDER: Don't miss The Community Meeting tonight!!! At 6:00 in the cafeteria we will be having a public meeting on a potential bond. An investment in our students is needed, and we are seeking your thoughts on what you believe our kids need. Hot dogs will be served.

At this time our internet and phone system is not working well, Please be patient as we are working to resolve the issue. Sorry for any inconveniences.

Got the end -of-year-itis? Teachers do your students need a brain break from testing?
Have we got the deal for you! The NHS Museum is open for viewing!
We have it all- Day of the Dead and plague Doctor mask in our "Mask Throughout History" exhibit, Marilyn Monroe's dress and a model of Dealey Plaza in our "We Didn't Start the Fire" exhibit, as well as nanobots that infiltrate blood cells and the future of aviation in our "Future of Technology" exhibit.
We are set up in the NHS Library. Come check us out!! You don't want to miss it!

Please join Ninnekah schools Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 6:00p.m. in the school cafeteria for a public meeting on a potential bond issue. An investment in our students is needed, and we are seeking your thoughts on what you believe our kids need. Hot Dogs will be served.
See you there!

Colby Keller Will have his Signing Day on April 19th 2023 In the Basketball Gym, Congratulations Colby Keller!!

Ninnekah Public School Testing Dates:
April 17th-25th Grade 11
April 17th-May 5th Grades 3-8
Please help your students get ready for their time to shine! We are so proud of all the progress students have made this year!!
Remember to have your child get enough rest, eat breakfast and be on time!