Summer is right around the corner, join us for Ninnekah Summer Camp!! Camp is for k-4th Grades and 5-8th grades (the grade your student just completed) student must already be enrolled in Ninnekah Public Schools to attend. Camp is free. Transportation, Breakfast and Lunch are provided! Days/Time: Monday-Thursday 9am-1pm *Subject to change on Field Trip days. There will be a Field Trip every Thursday! We Have Limited Spots available so reserve your spot!! For questions or more information contact Mrs. Swyden at the Middle School! or (405) 224-4092
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah Summer Camp!
Dear Parents/Guardians The end of school is fast approaching please check your students lunch account and bring it to a zero balance as soon as possible before the last day of school. You may pay online or by cash/check in the superintendents office. Note: when paying lunch bills you will need to be on a desk top, using a phone or tablet no longer works. Sorry for the inconvenience.
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Lunch Balance Letter
REMINDER to our Ninnekah Students and families, We will be out of school Friday April 7th and Monday April 10th! Hope all of our Ninnekah owls have a great weekend!!
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
red owl black background
We would like to invite you to the Board Meeting on April 11th at 6pm in the Administration Office. We will be having a presentation from Enlighten Consulting & Training on the Child Find-Indicator 11 from Ninnekah's Disproportionality Report. We hope to see you there.
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Congratulations to Makayla Leuthen on signing with Murray State College today! Read more at
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Leuthen Signing With Murray State 2023-04
Important News!!! Go visit our school website, we have given you the link to our potential bond community survey!
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Red Owl Black Background
Here is your Track Schedule for the Elementary Track meet on 04/05/2023! Where: Cyril Public Schools The Athletes bus will leave shortly after school begins, events will begin at 9:30 students will need to either bring their lunch or bring money for the concession stand. Students must be eligible to participate!
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Track schedule 04052023
Its the time of year to purchase your 22-23 yearbook!! Make sure to get your copy so you can enjoy this years moments for good!! Cost: $40 Who to pay: Mrs. Moore (make checks payable to Ninnekah Yearbook) Pay by When: May 5th (Physical) July 31st (summer onlline orders) Online has the option to mail home for $8.00 The yearbook will be delivered August 2023 but will include more pages to display the spring sports, prom, and graduation! There will be a QR code for the pictures that did not make it into the yearbook! Here is your printable order form:
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Yearbook flyer
Coach Hurst's bus is running a little late but will be in route, sorry for any inconvenience.
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
The Vintage Ninnekah Shirts are back!!! Order yours through April 10th!!! These shirts are great for any Ninnekah event!!!! Here is a printable PDF
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah Shirt
Tuesday, April 4th, 2023 Starting promptly @ 8 AM! The ACT is required for all Juniors in high school as part of graduation requirements. ALL juniors will need to report to the High School at 8:00a.m. Breakfast and Lunch will be provided. Please ensure your student gets adequate rest and arrives on time.
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
ACT Flyer
Thank you to our cafeteria ladies for starting out our week with one of our students favorites! The Orange Chicken was great!
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Scholarship Opportunity!!! Here is a printable link to a printable application for the Clay Chaney Scholarships! Printable Link:
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
We have a bus that got off to a late start this morning because of starting issues if you ride coach foust bus she will be around to get you!!!
almost 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
This week Kindergarten had their Q&U Wedding, here are some pictures from their Festivities!
about 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Q&U wedding
Q&U 2
Today we received a New Bus for our District. Exciting things happening for NPS!!!! Happy Spring Break!!! Have Fun and Relax!! The district will observe Spring Break March, 13-17th. See you on the 20th!!!!
about 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
New Bus
Members of Lyric Theater of Oklahoma visited Ninnekah Schools this week to perform it's "Oklahoma interactive program'. Five cast members sang, danced, and acted out scenes from Rogers and Hammerstein's musical Oklahoma on Tuesday, March 7,2023. Lyric Theater held two separate performances the first for the Elementary and the second for Jh/High School. During the program cast members also discussed both the history of the musical and the history of the state of Oklahoma. Students were invited to participate in parts of the program, and a brief question and answer session was held at the end. Lyric Theater offers this program free to schools through the generous support of its donors. Thank you to Lyric Theater and to all the donors who make its musical interactive programs available to students all over the state of Oklahoma!
about 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Lyric Theater Cast
Lyric Theater
Here's your chance to order the perfect shirt for every Ninnekah activity! The vintage look tee is perfect for all our Ninnekah activities: FIELD TRIPS, BASEBALL, SOFTBALL, TRACK and AG!! All orders are DUE by MARCH 10Th!! All shirts will be black tees with white letters and a white owl. Red trim under NInnekah for a vintage feel. - this is the link to a printable form.
about 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah Shirt Sample
Don't miss our Superintendent Update for February 2023 in our News Section on our website.
about 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Newsletter Cover Page
We are aware that a bus route was not ran this morning we are sending a bus to run this route. Your child will not be penalized with attendance.
about 2 years ago, Ninnekah Schools