Updated Job Postings: Do you know someone who would make a great addition to our staff of teachers? Help us spread the word and ask them to visit our Job Postings page on the menu of our app or website https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/
We are excited about the new school year ahead!

On this Memorial Day, we remember those who have given their lives in service to our country. Their sacrifices make our freedom possible.

Reminder: No Summer Camp or meal service on Mon May 30 due to holiday.
As we prepare for Week 3 of Ninnekah Summer Camp, be sure to check out the news section on our app or website to see what students were doing during the first two weeks of camp! Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

There will be NO Summer Camp or meal services on Memorial Day next Monday, May 30, 2022. Week 3 will be Tues May 31 - Thurs June 2.

Check out our Job Postings page on our website menu and help us find a few good educators to join our team of Owls!

The first week of Ninnekah Summer Camp starts tomorrow, Mon May 16th! Find weekly menus for May at the link below. Summer Menu items can also be found on the Cafeteria menu on our app just like our regular menu during the school year. Looking forward to a great first week of Summer Camp!

The last day of school for 2021-2022 is finally over! Friday May 5th is a Professional Day, followed by NHS Graduation at 7:00pm.
Ninnekah is offering Free Food for Summer again in 2022! Go to our webpage below for more information on how to enroll:

Happy Last Day of School, Ninnekah!
Thurs May 5th:
9am MS Class Clash,
10am HS graduation practice,
11:55am 8th Grade Promotion Luncheon,
1pm Elem Awards in the gym.
Remember the NHS Graduation ceremony is Friday, May 6th, at 7pm at the Chickasha Activity Center.

Buses will leave at 3:00pm today due to forecasted inclement weather. Stay safe, Ninnekah!

Upcoming Events:
Wed May 4th: 9am Kindergarten Graduation in Cafeteria, 10am Seniors vs Faculty Softball Game, 12pm Seniors Cookout, and 1pm 5th Grade Walk the Halls.
For more events, see our calendar of events on our website https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/

Elementary storm shelter is open now. Please use the door on the East side.

It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Remember to tell our teachers thank you for all that they do for our students and school!

This week is Ninnekah's last week of school!
Remember the Class of 2022 Baccalaureate Service tonight, Sun May 1st, at 6pm, and FBC Ninnekah.
On Mon May 2nd, Seniors will walk the halls of the Elem and MS buildings for the last time as students, and 9th-12th graders will complete in a Class Clash.
Tues May 3rd is Elem Track and Field Day.
Have a great start to your week!

Only one week left, Ninnekah!
A Baccalaureate Service honoring the NHS graduating class of 2022 will be held at First Baptist Church Ninnekah tomorrow, Sun May 1st, at 6pm. A reception will follow. This service is open to the community, so please make plans to join us!
Also, tonight is PROM! To those students who will be in attendance, have a great time and stay safe!

Ninnekah Basketball Camp for 1st-6th grades will be held May11-13. Sign-ups must be completed by May 1st. See all details and sign-up info on our website at the link below!
Also, HOT SPOTS are due back by tomorrow, Fri 4/29!

Enroll your child now in Ninnekah Summer Camp! Nine available weeks from May through July for grades K-8th. Enrollment for May weeks is due by May 2nd, so enroll today! More details at the link below:

Please return all Hot Spots to the school by Friday, April 29th!
Also, remember the FFA Awards Banquet is tonight, Tues Apr 26, at 6:30pm, the MS/HS Academic Reception is Thurs Apr 28 at 6:30pm, and Jr/Sr Prom is Sat Apr 30 at 7pm. Each event will be held in the Cafeteria. We are quickly closing in on the end of the 2021-2022 school year!

The HS Athletic Banquet is tonight, Mon 4/25, at 6:30pm in the cafeteria. Remember that the cost is $10 a plate, but HS Athletes eat for free.

Thank you to everyone who came out last night to welcome Dr. Ashley Davis as our next Superintendent! Please visit the link below for a message from the Ninnekah Board of Education.

Meet the new Superintendent tonight, Thurs April 21st! A welcome reception will be held in the cafeteria immediately following the special board hiring meeting at 6pm. Cafeteria doors will open to the public as soon as the meeting is adjourned. Please make plans now to join us!