Congratulations to Luke Tate and Kate Holland for qualifying for State FFA competitions! See more at https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/718103
Also, it was a great time at the Ninnekah MS Athletic Awards Reception! Congratulations to our MS athletes! Check out a few highlights at https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/718107

2021-22 Yearbooks are here now and available to purchase for $35 on a first come first serve basis! Payment can be cash or check made payable to Ninnekah Yearbook. See flyer for more details, and see Ms. Moore in the High School.
Also, JUNIORS will be testing again tomorrow, Tues 4/19. All Juniors will go to HS in the morning instead of CareerTech.

Only 2 more Mondays left of school after today!
Please return all Hot Spots to the school by April 29th.
Remember the MS Athletic Reception on Tues 4/19 at 6:30, Meet the Superintendent on Thurs 4/21 at 6pm, and the MS Dance on Fri 4/22 at 6pm. Have a great week, Owls!

We are excited to be hiring a new Superintendent this week on Thurs, Apr 21st! Please join us for a welcome reception in the Cafeteria immediately following the 6:00pm special meeting. Come help us show our Ninnekah Owl Spirit!

Check out the new A La Carte lunch options now available for MS and HS students! A few items will be available each week for cash only at time of purchase. These are in additional to the regular lunch tray and the recently added salad bar!

NHS JUNIORS: Remember that the ACT state test is this morning, Tues 4/12. JUNIORS who attend Career Tech will NOT go today, but INSTEAD go to the High School this morning.

Save These Dates!
Apr 19: MS Athletic Reception at 6:30pm;
Apr 25: HS Athletic Banquet 6:30pm;
Apr 26: FFA Banquet 6:30pm;
Apr 28: MS/HS Academic Reception 6:30pm;
Apr 30: Prom 7pm;
May 4: Kindergarten Graduation 9am;
May 5: Last Day! 8th Gr Promotion Luncheon 12pm, Elem Awards 1pm;
May 6: HS Graduation 7pm;
See more events at https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/events

Attention all NHS SENIORS! The 2022 Clay Chaney Memorial Scholarship is due soon! It is available to any 2022 graduating Senior, and the deadline to be turned in is April 12. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Amber White or Geraldene Chaney. An application can be emailed to you, or a printable copy can be found at https://5il.co/18l3e

CANCELLED: Both the Baseball and Softball games have been CANCELLED for today, Tues 4/5.

8th Grade Parents: Mark your calendars for Thurs May 5th! The 8th Grade Promotion Luncheon will be held that day at 11:55am at the Ninnekah First Baptist Church Youth Building. Invitations with details are being sent out soon, but you can find a printable copy at the link below. Volunteers and pictures are needed! Read the attached information and contact the Middle School to RSVP or to volunteer to help!

NHS JUNIORS: Remember that state testing for Juniors begins tomorrow morning, Tues 4/5. JUNIORS who attend Career Tech in the mornings will NOT go on Tues, but INSTEAD go to the High School in the morning.

The JH/HS Baseball game scheduled for Fri 4/1 has been rescheduled to Fri 4/8 against Rush Springs.

Congrats to Sophomore Jay "JJ" Jerdee for making Grady County All-Conference!

Changes for Friday 4/1:
There will be NO HS Softball game Friday. JH Softball will play at Ninnekah vs Ft Cobb beginning at 4:30.

Today, Mon 3/28: There will be NO JH Baseball game today. HS Baseball will play at Ninnekah starting at 4pm and again at 7pm. JH/HS Softball will play at AmPo at 4:30.
Have a great day, Ninnekah!

The JH/HS Softball game today, Thurs 3/24, that was originally set to be at Ninnekah has been moved to Dibble at 4:30.

Ninnekah Reminder: Starting tomorrow, Mon 3/21, all breakfast will be served in the cafeteria 7:45-8:20am. Looking forward to a great week!

Attention Career-Tech students: The Canadian Valley Career Tech is closed today, so you will wait until 4th hour when you usually arrive at the HS.

Yes, Ninnekah is having school today, Fri 3/11, but we will wave all tardies. Please be careful coming to school!

Reminder: Tomorrow, Fri 3/11, Ninnekah is having a regular school day! We are using this day to make up for one of our previous snow days.