Softball Correction!
Tues 3/7: There is NO Softball game vs Cement. HS Softball plays in the Dibble festival at 10am and 11:15am. JH Softball plays 2 games at Chickasha Sports Complex at 4:30pm.

Baseball & Softball Updates!
Mon 3/7: JH/HS Softball has first games of the season at Wayne at 4:30pm. Baseball game was cancelled.
Tues 3/8: Baseball has been changed to play at Binger, with HS starting at 4pm and JH right after. Softball has been changed to play both JH & HS HERE against Cement at 4:30pm.
Go Ninnekah!

Order Ninnekah Baseball fundraiser shirts and pants now at the link below! Sale closes March 14.

Today is the final day to respond to the superintendent search survey. We would love to have your input! Visit https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/ and have a great weekend!

Changes and Reminders:
Remember that there is No School tomorrow, Fri 3/4.
Saturday School (only for assigned students) originally planned for 3/5 has been moved to Fri 3/4.
Also, we will have regular classes on Fri 3/11 and Fri 3/25 to make-up the most recent snow days used.

Reminders for today, Wed Mar 2:
Blue & Gold will be delivered today and needs to be picked up by 6pm. Also, Community Meeting at 5:30pm in the cafeteria to share input on superintendent search!

Join us for a Ninnekah Community Meeting on Wed March 2 at 5:30pm. Meet in the school cafeteria to share your input regarding the search for our next superintendent. Find more information at https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/article/671213

It's great to be back this week! Parent/Teacher Conferences are still planned for this week. Elem teachers will contact to schedule theirs. MS and HS teachers will be available for come and go conferences on Tues 3/1 and Thurs 3/3 from 3:30-6:00pm. Parents are also welcome to call/email/message teachers to discuss classes or schedule a time to meet. Remember that there will be No School on Friday, 3/4.

Friday, Feb 25, will be a Virtual Day for Ninnekah. Students should have work packets or online assignments tomorrow. Saturday school will not meet this week. Also, Blue & Gold is now set to be delivered to the school on Wed March 2nd.

Snow day again tomorrow Thursday February 24. Stay safe and warm!

Blue & Gold delivery has been postponed until next week. We will share the new date when it becomes available. Stay safe, Ninnekah!

Due to forecasted inclement weather, NPS will be closed Wednesday, 2/23/2022. SNOW DAY on Wednesday! Stay Safe Ninnekah Owls! Please check Ninnekah Website and social media pages for future potential cancellations.

If you have not already had a chance, today is a great day to complete the superintendent search survey! Visit https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/

FFA Parents: Blue & Gold will be delivered on Thurs Feb 24 at 1:30pm and must be picked up by 6:00pm.

The search for our next superintendent is underway. Let us know your thoughts by participating in a short online survey at https://www.ninnekah.k12.ok.us/
We appreciate your participation! Thank you, Ninnekah, for the great response so far!

Currently, the school is on “soft” lockdown due to a threat made by a parent to students. The students who have been threatened are not on campus today. We are escorting students whenever they leave a building and are watchful of all activity around the campus. Police are aware of the threat and have a police presence on campus. Ninnekah Public Schools considers student and staff safety of the utmost importance and is taking appropriate steps to protect students and staff on campus today.

Thank you to everyone who has donated books to the new Middle School Library! Click the link for more ways you can help!

Remember that Mon 2/14 is a professional day for teachers only. After classes resume on Tues 2/15, be sure to come out to the Ag Boosters Calf Fry & Cake Auction that night at 6:30pm!

Please click the link below to read an important message regarding illness and fever, and an additional notification of makeup snow days. We will be making up the 3 snow days used last week on April 1, 8, and 15.
Remember there is No School Fri 2/11 and Mon 2/14. Have a great weekend, Ninnekah!

Please visit our website to read an important message from our Board of Education and to take the superintendent search survey!