Softball Correction! Tues 3/7: There is NO Softball game vs Cement. HS Softball plays in the Dibble festival at 10am and 11:15am. JH Softball plays 2 games at Chickasha Sports Complex at 4:30pm.
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Baseball & Softball Updates! Mon 3/7: JH/HS Softball has first games of the season at Wayne at 4:30pm. Baseball game was cancelled. Tues 3/8: Baseball has been changed to play at Binger, with HS starting at 4pm and JH right after. Softball has been changed to play both JH & HS HERE against Cement at 4:30pm. Go Ninnekah!
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Order Ninnekah Baseball fundraiser shirts and pants now at the link below! Sale closes March 14.
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Today is the final day to respond to the superintendent search survey. We would love to have your input! Visit and have a great weekend!
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Changes and Reminders: Remember that there is No School tomorrow, Fri 3/4. Saturday School (only for assigned students) originally planned for 3/5 has been moved to Fri 3/4. Also, we will have regular classes on Fri 3/11 and Fri 3/25 to make-up the most recent snow days used.
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Reminders for today, Wed Mar 2: Blue & Gold will be delivered today and needs to be picked up by 6pm. Also, Community Meeting at 5:30pm in the cafeteria to share input on superintendent search!
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Join us for a Ninnekah Community Meeting on Wed March 2 at 5:30pm. Meet in the school cafeteria to share your input regarding the search for our next superintendent. Find more information at
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
It's great to be back this week! Parent/Teacher Conferences are still planned for this week. Elem teachers will contact to schedule theirs. MS and HS teachers will be available for come and go conferences on Tues 3/1 and Thurs 3/3 from 3:30-6:00pm. Parents are also welcome to call/email/message teachers to discuss classes or schedule a time to meet. Remember that there will be No School on Friday, 3/4.
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Friday, Feb 25, will be a Virtual Day for Ninnekah. Students should have work packets or online assignments tomorrow. Saturday school will not meet this week. Also, Blue & Gold is now set to be delivered to the school on Wed March 2nd.
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Snow day again tomorrow Thursday February 24. Stay safe and warm!
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Blue & Gold delivery has been postponed until next week. We will share the new date when it becomes available. Stay safe, Ninnekah!
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Due to forecasted inclement weather, NPS will be closed Wednesday, 2/23/2022. SNOW DAY on Wednesday! Stay Safe Ninnekah Owls! Please check Ninnekah Website and social media pages for future potential cancellations.
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
If you have not already had a chance, today is a great day to complete the superintendent search survey! Visit
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
FFA Parents: Blue & Gold will be delivered on Thurs Feb 24 at 1:30pm and must be picked up by 6:00pm.
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Blue & Gold Delivery on 2-24-2022
The search for our next superintendent is underway. Let us know your thoughts by participating in a short online survey at We appreciate your participation! Thank you, Ninnekah, for the great response so far!
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Currently, the school is on “soft” lockdown due to a threat made by a parent to students. The students who have been threatened are not on campus today. We are escorting students whenever they leave a building and are watchful of all activity around the campus. Police are aware of the threat and have a police presence on campus. Ninnekah Public Schools considers student and staff safety of the utmost importance and is taking appropriate steps to protect students and staff on campus today.
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Thank you to everyone who has donated books to the new Middle School Library! Click the link for more ways you can help!
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Remember that Mon 2/14 is a professional day for teachers only. After classes resume on Tues 2/15, be sure to come out to the Ag Boosters Calf Fry & Cake Auction that night at 6:30pm!
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Ninnekah Ag Boosters Calf Fry & Cake Auction 2-2022
Please click the link below to read an important message regarding illness and fever, and an additional notification of makeup snow days. We will be making up the 3 snow days used last week on April 1, 8, and 15. Remember there is No School Fri 2/11 and Mon 2/14. Have a great weekend, Ninnekah!
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools
Please visit our website to read an important message from our Board of Education and to take the superintendent search survey!
about 3 years ago, Ninnekah Schools